Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Wear The Right Clothes

Finding biking clothing for a larger guy is rather impossible. All clothing are created, made and designed for those who are already thin and in shape.  I'm not a fan of the biking shorts, so simple gym shorts work (though the do have a tenancy to ride up my thigh, I have to stop and readjust).  And for a the top, it's T-shirts..  Nothing like taking off a sweaty, stinky cotton t-shirt after a hour or so of biking.

I've come accross a few website that sells shirts for a larger fellow, but they always self insulting, like these Fat Bastard shirts

When wearing my black shorts I normally wear a cool T-shirt from Think Geek.  It made me laugh.

I'm always wearing biking gloves and a helmet.

Lucky for me, my work has showers but I keep the following items at work:  

  • A set of dress pants, 
  • Wrinkle free dress shirt(s), 
  • Dress shoes, 
  • Socks, 
  • Underwear 
  • A can of deodorant. 
Lessons Learned:
  • Keeping the same sweaty socks on, from when you were biking in the hot summer days is GROSS!

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