After a false start of having everything put together, the motor was mis-firing and faulting like crazy. The wheel couldn't even take off on it's own and needed a slight push to get it going. Once the bike hit about 25km then the motor started to behave. Reviewing all the wiring on the bike it all looked good but still wasn't working. So in a desperate attempt I cut all my connections and redid all my splices again.
I worked into the late night, with only a white LED porch light to light up the area in which I decided to work at but I've completed my first drive around the block and the bike works.
So I ended up moving the controller into the front bag, insulated by some foam from the bag. Moving the controller to the front handle bars ended up making the bike feel unsafe and I actually crashed when trying to get off the bike last night. Glad no one saw me do that! But the bike is alive and kicking. Time to drive it around a bit tomorrow before bring it into work.
I think I'm going to mount some rear saddle bags in the back or just ditch the rear rack and put a nice long fender on the back side. Over all I'm glad this is working again!